Friday, June 25, 2010

The More Things Change

A few things are different since the last time I blogged. First of all, this one kid came to my house to watch a movie and fell asleep on my floor.

Reader, I married him.

(I have used
the famous line
that I got from Jane Eyre

and that you
were probably saving
for breakfast.

Forgive me - it was delicious
So sweet
though so old)

Second, I moved to our new apartment, and I have a new last name.

Side note: So I'm not sure what to do about this blog. Options are as follows:
  • Ditch it and make a new one, probably with both our names in the address, and talk about our new life. Downside - I doubt Husband will be writing on it much.
  • Keep it and make it a Work-Only blog. If I take out all personal references I could use it for my classes, to check homework, etc. As you can see, I haven't been updating it regularly for personal reasons anyway.
  • Keep it and repent of my non-writing ways. I may be married but I still have thoughts to share!

Speaking of thoughts to share....

Getting a new last name is a hassle and a half. I'll get there in a second. Because now that I think of it, pretty much everything about getting married is a hassle and a half. The easiest part is being in love. (Just being. Because falling in love is a hassle, too. As we all know.)

I've been married for two weeks. Half the time has been in Hawaii, half here. I will not attempt to euphemize: Hawaii was way better. It came at the perfect time---stress had been building up as the school year came to a close, I had one week after school ended to plan my reception (AND wedding AND luncheon AND vacation AND new house AND....), I was packing for a trip and putting together new house, and as I was getting an ulcer from the anxiety of it all, all I wanted to do was be with Boy Who Fell Asleep On My Floor, all the time.

So the weekend smacked into us, and we collapsed into the arms of Hawaii.

These pictures are already on the Book of the Face, of course. I know my posting priorities! But the whole beach-sunset proves my point - It was a haven of escape. We woke up each morning thousands of miles from home, literally an ocean away from our troubles. No stress, no problems, no worries. For a whole week. It was bliss.

Now, back at the ranch, we have to deal with Life again. A couple of examples:
  • Boy-who-fell-asleep, now Husband-who-goes-to-work-everyday, ditched his old bank to sign onto mine, but they won't give him a debit card until both our names match.
  • I've been to the Social Security office to get a card with my new name, but it's going to take 1-2 weeks for it to arrive.
  • Then I'll still have to go to the DMV, of which I'll admit I'm quite frightened, and get a new license.
  • Not to mention my church records!
  • After that I need to talk to my school district so they'll change their paperwork - my paycheck, work email address, etc.
  • Which brings me back to this blog. Yesterday I set up a new Gmail address with my new last name. But with any kind of moving, I have to wonder what to keep and what to throw out. Old archived emails, mailing lists, contacts??
My intention is not to burden you with my burdens, nor am I attempting to solicit pity or offers of help. I simply want to re-enter the Blogosphere without apologies but with lots of details about my life.

Because that's what I enjoy about reading YOUR blog. : )


Natalie said...

Simple solution: don't change your name. ;-) And keep your blog for personal reasons, please. Oh, also, post some wedding pictures. Thank you.

Alan said...

Not only is your writing style distinct, it is...the best. (Had we not already been the original best friends as first and second siblings, your whirlwind MeetingStory/Eyre/WCW opening would have had me filling out an application).

There's been an odd sort of limbo, in my head, between your and Emma's weddings. I'm excited for this new phase of family.

I have many other thoughts but shall not threadjack your post.

And I'll send you pictures of your wedding so you can post them...(just trying to finish up Europe pictures, as well!)

Alan said...

Oh, and your captcha today is Tednismu. It's like a HIMYM version of Tiramisu.

Heather said...

here's my two cents as far as the blog is concerned:

I don't tend to follow day-to-day (typically "we're married and we're so happy about it") kind of blogs.

I like to read more about big picture/thoughts/changing your name is a giant hassle and something I've never thought about kind of stuff.

Congrats btw :)

have a good "satadi" tomorrow!