Saturday, October 19, 2013

There's No Place I Can Be Since I Found Serenity

Everyone, she's almost 3 months now, so we'd better look at some pictures of her. And videos. Yes.

 Sunny yellow outfit before she lost her newborn ruddy skin tone.  Also she had a little bit more hair then. As it's starting to fall out, we gotta keep the headbands on. Babies' heads are so funny looking!

 Raise your hand if you're a baby!

During the day she's great at just hanging out wherever James and I are hanging out. For example, if I'm feeding James lunch, she hangs out on the table with the coaster.

The bigger problem has been teaching James not to attack his baby sister with all his love.  He says, "Eee-lah!" instead if Leah and it's adorable, but not so much when he smothers her with a hug, or head bangs into her forehead, or bites her foot, or gives her The People's Elbow.  We ended up getting some nice play gates to keep them apart. Usually it's Leah inside, but sometimes Bames gets to play in there too.

Maybe she can learn Kung Fu to defend herself.  

This is her practicing her right uppercut.

Not much of a fighter, she'd really rather snuggle with Dad for a couch nap.

Yep...the money shot. Really, anytime I go over to her and smile, she just beams.

It is hard to get 2 babies to smile at even remotely the same time, but you can see James is learning to control his love (Alma 38:12).  I can't blame him for wanting to hold her hand - she really is a cuddly little firefly.

Finally, the video you've all be waiting for: She can roll over. Yes, now that she'll be 3 MONTHS OLD, she's mastered the skill of "Anything to get out of tummy time."

Like most of the things she does, she's polite and graceful about it.  Even her little grunts are adorable.

Alright, that's enough unabashed child gloating for today. Rest assured that I love being a stay-at-home mom, and I love my kids waaaaaay more than I ever loved working.  And I really, really love teaching English, so that is saying something.  


Alan said...

Yayyyyyyyyyyayayayayay! Picturas.

I like the uppercut one. Adorable rolling over-ing. And the picture of James and Leah where he's smiling.

And we're really excited to meet Leah and see the new-improved James in 36 days.

And if we start a 90s captcha band it can be Viahit 182.

Erin said...

Aaaaahhh! They are so adorably cute! I'm so excited for your parenthood! Beckie- she looks just like you when she smiles! I hope I can come meet them sometime soon!

Jenny said...

My precious! Ooops! Wrong universe. Er, your daughter's real shiny. :) Thanks for sharing!