Thursday, October 04, 2012

Dry Creek Trail

I admit it.  When I am reading someone's blog and come to a post which is entirely pictures,  I usually skip over it.  I would much rather hear about someone's feelings and opinions.  But there is something to be said about pictures and experiences-No one can disagree with them.  Today Beckie, James, and I went on a super fun hike, so DEAL WITH IT!  

We have recently been looking in the direction of Alpine as we travel and envying their proximity to  the only good thing about the Fall - rainbow colored scrub oak. This morning we decided to drive into Alpine and get as close as we could to the mountains, and hopefully by doing so encounter a hiking trail.  We unsuccessfully drove up a road named "Canyon Road" thinking that for some reason that might take us to the mouth of the canyon. Not the case. It dead ends at some enormous rich persons house.  They should call it "Giant House Road."  So the we tried Grove Street, which took us to a trail head, jackpot. Who needs to plan in advanced? So we packed up the baby and started climbing. The following good times ensued.

Pretty tree. Yes, can you say pretty tree? Pretty tree, yeah pretty tree...

James still isn't quite big enough for the hiking backpack, so we pack him in there with many much blankets.

Yeah, Beckie made me pose.

Fall baby :)

James made us take another without the leaf.

Surrounded by beauty in a meadow

Are you sick of this picture yet?  Probably not because there is more James in it!

Beckie in the land on enormous boulders

I want to be this guy SO BAD!

Back to civilization

Yeah, so this is only our third hike this year, and summer is already over. Lame. I blame JT, but then again, it wouldn't be nearly as much fun without him pulling Beckie's hair the whole time.  She said it made her feel like Black Beauty (hope all you book reading folk get this).

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